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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - make


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 I. verb  (made; making)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English macian; akin to Old High German mahhon to prepare, ~, Greek magenai to be kneaded, Old Church Slavic mazati to anoint, smear  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. obsolete behave, act  b. to begin or seem to begin (an action) made to go  2.  a. to cause to happen to or be experienced by someone made trouble for us  b. to cause to exist, occur, or appear ; create ~ a disturbance  c. to favor the growth or occurrence of haste ~s waste  d. to fit, intend, or destine by or as if by creating was made to be an actor  3.  a. to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material ; fashion ~ a dress  b. compose, write ~ verses  c. to lay out and construct ~ a road  4. to frame or formulate in the mind ~ plans  5. to put together from components ; constitute houses made of stone  6.  a. to compute or estimate to be  b. to form and hold in the mind ~ no doubt of it  7.  a. to assemble and set alight the materials for (a fire)  b. to set in order ~ beds  c. prepare, fix ~ dinner  d. to shuffle (a deck of cards) in preparation for dealing  8. to prepare (hay) by cutting, drying, and storing  9.  a. to cause to be or become made them happy ~s it possible  b. appoint made him bishop  10.  a. enact, establish ~ laws  b. to execute in an appropriate manner ~ a will  c. set, name ~ a price  11.  a. chiefly dialect shut the doors are made against youShakespeare  b. to cause (an electric circuit) to be completed  12.  a. to conclude as to the nature or meaning of something what do you ~ of this development?  b. to regard as being not the fool some ~ him  13.  a. to carry out (an action indicated or implied by the object) ~ war ~ a speech ~ a detour  b. to perform with a bodily movement ~ a sweeping gesture  14.  a. to produce as a result of action, effort, or behavior with respect to something ~ a mess of the job tried to ~ a thorough job of it  b. archaic to turn into another language by translation  15. to cause to act in a certain way ; compel ~ her give it back  16. to cause or assure the success or prosperity of can either ~ you or break you  17.  a. to amount to in significance ~s a great difference  b. to form the essential being of clothes ~ the man  c. to form by an assembling of individuals ~ a quorum  d. to count as that ~s the third time you've said it  18.  a. to be or be capable of being changed or fashioned into rags ~ the best paper  b. to develop into she will ~ a fine judge  c. form 6b  19.  a. reach, attain made port before the stormoften used with it you'll never ~ it that far  b. to gain the rank of ~ major  c. to gain a place on or in ~ the team the story made the papers  d. to succeed in providing or obtaining ~ bail  20. to gain (as money) by working, trading, or dealing ~ a living  21.  a. to act so as to earn or acquire ~s friends easily ~s poor grades  b. to score in a game or sport ~ a field goal ~ a birdie  c. to convert (a split) into a spare in bowling  d. to succeed in holing ~ a putt  22.  a. to fulfill (a contract) in a card game  b. to win a trick with (a card)  23.  a. to include in a route or itinerary ~ New York on the return trip — often used with it ~ it to the party  b. catch 6b made the bus just in time  24. to persuade to consent to sexual intercourse ; seduce  25. to provide the most enjoyable or satisfying experience of meeting the star of the show really made our day  intransitive verb  1. archaic to compose poetry  2.  a. behave, act  b. to begin or seem to begin a certain action made as though to hand it to me  c. to act so as to be or to seem to be ~ merry  d. slang to play a partusually used with like  3. set out, head made after the fox made straight for home  4. to increase in height or size the tide is making now  5. to reach or extend in a certain direction  6. to have considerable effect courtesy ~s for safer driving  7. to undergo manufacture or processing the silk ~s up beautifully  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the manner or style in which a thing is constructed  b. brand 4a  2. the physical, mental, or moral constitution of a person men of his ~ are rare  3.  a. the action of producing or manufacturing  b. the actual yield or amount produced over a specified period ; output  4. the act of shuffling cards; also turn to shuffle
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  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. made) 1 tr. construct; create; form from parts or other substances (made a table; made it out of cardboard; made him a sweater). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) cause or compel (a person etc.) to do something (make him repeat it; was made to confess). 3 tr. a cause to exist; create; bring about (made a noise; made an enemy). b cause to become or seem (made an exhibition of myself; made him angry). c appoint; designate (made him a Cardinal). 4 tr. compose; prepare; draw up (made her will; made a film about Japan). 5 tr. constitute; amount to (makes a difference; 2 and 2 make 4; this makes the tenth time). 6 tr. a undertake or agree to (an aim or purpose) (made a promise; make an effort). b execute or perform (a bodily movement, a speech, etc.) (made a face; made a bow). 7 tr. gain, acquire, procure (money, a profit, etc.) (made {pound}20,000 on the deal). 8 tr. prepare (tea, coffee, a dish, etc.) for consumption (made egg and chips). 9 tr. a arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use. b arrange and light materials for (a fire). 10 intr. a proceed (made towards the river). b (foll. by to + infin.) begin an action (he made to go). 11 tr. colloq. a arrive at (a place) or in time for (a train etc.) (made the border before dark; made the six o'clock train). b manage to attend; manage to attend on (a certain day) or at (a certain time) (couldn't make the meeting last week; can make any day except Friday). c achieve a place in (made the first eleven; made the six o'clock news). d US achieve the rank of (made colonel in three years). 12 tr. establish or enact (a distinction, rule, law, etc.). 13 tr. consider to be; estimate as (what do you make the time?; do you make that a 1 or a 7?). 14 tr. secure the success or advancement of (his mother made him; it made my day). 15 tr. accomplish (a distance, speed, score, etc.) (made 60 m.p.h. on the motorway). 16 tr. a become by development or training (made a great leader). b serve as (a log makes a useful seat). 17 tr. (usu. foll. by out) represent as;...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) делать; изготовлять(ся); производить 2) форма; модель; тип 3) наименование группы автомобилей, выпускаемых одним изготовителем 4) объём производства (за определённый период), произведённое количество; добытое количество; выход 5) замыкание замыкать; включать 6) максимальный зазор между контактами 7) развивать скорость (об автомобиле) to make after break — переключать с перерывом питания; to make and break — переключать; to make before break — переключать без перерыва питания; to make to close — замыкать цепь; to make up — 1. монтировать, собирать 2. докреплять (резьбовое трубное соединение) 3. полигр. верстать 4. шить одежду 5. разделывать тесто - coke make - day make - engine make - flue-dust make - gas make ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) возмещать 2) восполнить 3) выплавлять 4) вырабатывать 5) выявить 6) изготовлять 7) изделие 8) конфекционировать 9) производить 10) равняться 11) совершать 12) составлять 13) уделать 14) уделывать 15) учинять 16) марка make take comparison — проводить аналогию; сравнивать make a compartment airtight — герметизировать отсек make a plot of Y vs X — строить чертить график зависимости Y от make an angle with — образовывать составлять угол с make angle with — составлять угол make contact springs — контактная группа на замыкание make correction for — вносить поправку на make final adjustments — отлаживать make from drawing — изготовлять по чертежу make good deficit — восполнить дефицит make good loss — восполнять потери make ice in cans — приготавливать лед в формах make more frequent — учащать make N O contact — нормально открытый контакт make out a receipt — выписывать квитанцию make practice weld — сваривать пробный шов make shaft integral — изготавливать вал за одно целое make spot check — проверять выборочно make up for loss — покрывать убыль make up the banks — заправлять откос make up the charge — набирать шихту make up the deficit in carbon — покрыть нехватку углевода make workpiece the anode — соединять изделие с анодом - make ... vanish - make a cut - make a hypothesis - make a turn - make allowance - make an entry - make assumption - make choice - make contact - make convention - make correction -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) производство, работа 2) изготовление 3) марка 4) тип, сорт 5) продукция 6) выработка • - commodities out of make - made in - make a decision - make a payment - make a price - make a report - make advance - make an award - make arrangements - make aware of - make good - make inquiries - make loan - make out - make out - make provision for - make provisions - make public - make quantity - make representations - make sure - make up an account - make up - of English make 2. гл. 1) делать, изготовлять, производить 2) формировать 3) зарабатывать, наживать (деньги, состояние) 4) заключать (сделку, соглашение) 5) назначать (на должность) • - make a bargain - make a decision - make a livelihood - make a treaty - make an advance - make an agreement - make available - make clear - make expenditure - make good - make good the deficit - make inquiries - make money - make one's bread - make one's living - make payment - make products - make profit - make ready - make sure - make terms - make use Syn: earn MAKE 1) производство; работа 2) изделие 3) вид, форма 4) марка; тип; модель 5) производить, изготовлять; делать; совершать; создавать 6) составлять 7) получать; приобретать – to make a claim – to make a contract – to make a decision – to make a mistake – to make an invention – to make an objection – to make a payment – to make a trial of a model – to make for – to make out – to make reference – to make under license – to make up for – to make use of ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. форма, конструкция; модель, фасон a new make of automobile —- новая модель автомобиля dresses of a new make —- платья нового фасона a coat of first-class make —- пальто отличного покроя a tool of heavier make —- более тяжелый инструмент 2. марка, тип, сорт cars of all makes —- автомобили всех марок what make is this? —- что это за модель (марка, система)? houses after the Swiss make —- дома по швейцарскому образцу 3. производство, работа; изготовление an automobile of English make —- автомобиль английского производства knives of Birmingham make —- ножи бирмингемской работы is this your own make? —- это вы сами производите?; это ваше изделие?; это вашего собственного изготовления? 4. изготовленное или добытое количество; продукция; выработка 5. конституция, сложение a man of slender make —- стройный человек a man with the make and muscles of a prize-fighter —- человек со сложением и мускулатурой борца 6. склад (характера) a man of this make —- человек такого склада (рода) 7. эл. замыкание цепи at make —- включенный, замкнутый 8. карт. объявление (козыря и игры) 9. карт. тасование твоя очередь тасовать 10. воен. жарг. повышение в чине; новое назначение Id: on the make —- стремящийся к наживе; делающий карьеру; ищущий любовных приключений Id: make and mend hour —- мор. уст. время, отведенное на пошивку и...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  an impression произвести впечатление MAKE an oath дать клятву; MAKE an observation сделать замечание MAKE at атаковать, наброситься; The prisoner made at the guard with a knife. MAKE away with  а) избавиться, отделаться от чего-л., кого-л.; убить кого-л.; make away with oneself покончить с собой, совершить самоубийство;  б) сбежать с краденым; The police gave chase, but the thieves made away with the jewels. MAKE back вернуться, возвратиться MAKE bad weather naut. плохо выдерживать шторм (о корабле) MAKE believe делать вид, притворяться MAKE capital out of нажить капитал на чем-л. MAKE certain of удостовериться в make certain of your facts before you argue проверьте свои данные, прежде чем спорить MAKE common cause действовать сообща MAKE compensation for компенсировать что-л. MAKE an example of наказать кого-л. в назидание другим MAKE conversation вести пустой разговор MAKE down ушивать (одежду); Can you make the dress down for her younger sister? MAKE efforts приложить усилия MAKE faces корчить рожи MAKE fast  а) закреплять  б) запирать (дверь) MAKE flesh полнеть MAKE for  а) способствовать, содействовать; The large print makes for easier reading.  б) направляться; After the concert, the crowd made for the nearest door.  в) нападать; набрасываться MAKE free освобождать MAKE friends помириться MAKE game of высмеивать; подшучивать MAKE gape изумить кого-л. MAKE good  а) возместить; You must make good the time that you have...
Англо-русский словарь
  I. [c red]CARRYING OUT AN ACTION (makes, making, made) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Make' is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in this dictionary. For example, the expression ‘to make sense’ is explained at ‘sense’. 1. You can use make with a wide range of nouns to indicate that someone performs an action or says something. For example, if you make a suggestion, you suggest something. I’d just like to make a comment... I made a few phone calls... I think you’re making a serious mistake... VERB: V n, V n, V n 2. You can use make with certain nouns to indicate that someone does something well or badly. For example, if you make a success of something, you do it successfully, and if you make a mess of something, you do it very badly. Apparently he made a mess of his audition... Are you really going to make a better job of it this time? VERB: V n of n, V n of n 3. If you make as if to do something or make to do something, you behave in a way that makes it seem that you are just about to do it. (WRITTEN) Mary made as if to protest, then hesitated... He made to chase Davey, who ran back laughing. VERB: V as if to-inf, V to-inf 4. In cricket, if a player makes a particular number of runs, they score that number of runs. In baseball or American football, if a player makes a particular score, they achieve that score. He made 1,972 runs for the county. = score VERB: V amount 5. If you make do with something, you use or have it instead of something else that you do not have, although it is not as good. Why make do with a copy if you can afford the genuine article?... PHRASE: make inflects, oft PHR with n 6. If you make like you are doing something, you act as if you are doing it, and if you make like someone, you act as if you are that person. (INFORMAL) Bob makes like he’s a fish blowing bubbles. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR cl, PHR n II. [c red]CAUSING OR CHANGING (makes, making, made) ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle made, »PRODUCE STH« 1 to produce something by working  (I'm going to make a cake for Sam's birthday. | Did you make that dress yourself? | a car made in Japan | They're making a documentary about the Civil War. | make sth out of)  (You could make some cushion covers out of those old curtains. | make sth from)  (We made a shelter from leaves and branches. | make sb sth)  (Shall I make you a cup of coffee? | made (out) of)  (a blouse made of silk) 2 to produce something by doing something, often by accident  (make a hole/dent etc)  (Make a hole in the paper. | make a mark/scratch etc)  (Who made those marks on the wall?) »DO STH« 3 a) used with some nouns to mean that someone performs the action of the n  (make a decision/mistake etc)  (It's time to make a decision. (=to decide) | Come on, you guys - make an effort! | The company was about to make a major purchase.) b) used with some nouns of speaking, to mean that someone says something  (make a suggestion/comment/observation etc)  (May I make a suggestion? | Jackson made a short statement to the press, denying all the charges.) 4 make an appointment/arrangement/date etc to arrange to do something, meet someone etc 5 make a contribution/donation/charge etc to give or ask for money for a particular purpose  (We have to make a small charge for use of the facilities.) 6 make an appearance/entrance etc to suddenly appear somewhere or enter a room 7 make a start to begin doing something + on/with  (I'd better make a start on the ironing.) »CAUSE A STATE/SITUATION« 8 to cause a particular state or situation, or make something happen  (make sb/sth do sth)  (That tune makes me want to dance. | This lever here makes the heating come on. | I like him because he makes me laugh. | make sb/sth)  (You could make this a really nice room if you got a new carpet. | the movie that made him a star | make sb ill/happy/popular etc)  (The decision made her very unpopular with the staff. | It makes me so angry to see children being treated like that....
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. macian, from O.S. makon, from W.Gmc. *makojanan, from PIE *mag- "kneading." Gradually replaced the main O.E. word, gewyrcan (see work). Make-believe is first attested 1811; makeshift is 1565, originally "shifty, roguish," sense of "substitute" is first recorded 1683; makeup in the cosmetic sense is from 1886. Make out "understand" is from 1646; in the sexual sense, first recorded 1939. Make time "go fast" is 1887; make tracks in this sense is from 1834. Make the grade is 1912, perhaps from the notion of railway engines going up an incline. To make a federal case out of (something) popularized in 1959 movie "Anatomy of a Murder;" to make an offer (one) can't refuse is from Mario Puzo's 1969 novel "The Godfather." To make (one's) day is from 1909; menacing make my day is from 1971, popularized by Clint Eastwood in "Sudden Impact" (1983). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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